From April 2016, nurses and midwives regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, will be required to demonstrate they meet the requirements of the new revalidation process. This book has been written as a companion reader to help registrants navigate the new system. It provides a realistic look at the challenges ahead, without glossing over potential blocks and barriers, instead puts them under a lens for closer examination. What will the new system be like in practice? How well are employers prepared to support registrants, and what are the options for those working in diverse settings and in diverse scopes of practice? The book allows registrants and employers to evaluate the benefits, and potential pitfalls of the new system, and identifies workable and practical solutions and approaches. It guides readers from the process of developing an Individual Revalidation Plan, through to submitting an online application. Scenarios such as potential disagreements with reflective discussion partners, or confirmers, confusion about requirements, lack of knowledge among employers, and a failure by employers to act in good faith and with integrity are all issues discussed, with solutions examined. The book shows how Continuing Professional Development can be obtained for free or on a low cost basis. It describes how to set up professional networks for those who are in diverse settings or scopes of practice. If you work in a diverse setting or scope of practice, a range of options are presented to enable you to meet all of the requirements. This book will help you plan, and anticipate, and troubleshoot challenges in a new and exciting period for nurses and midwives. As registrants start on onto this new journey, this book is an essential companion.
Claudia Tomlinson is a registered mental health nurse, psychology graduate, independent nurse prescriber, qualified teacher and experienced practitioner. She is also qualified NVQ assessor (Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement) with substantial experience in coaching, training and mentoring. Her scope of practice is in a diverse setting, and she has worked in a range of settings including NHS Trusts, community, mental health, and commissioning and project management environments. She also currently provides revalidation support and advice for revalidating registrants, particularly those in diverse settings and roles. She is also a blogger with the Independent Voices, and Huffington Post UK. She is active on social media platforms, and runs the blog Revalidation Help for Nurses and Midwives: http: //