This book is devoted to physical bases of magnetoelectronic millimetric waves. Magnetoelectronic represents a direction on a joint of physics of the magnetic phenomenainmagnetoarrangedenvironments, radiophysicsofwaveandoscilla- ? toryprocessesinlayeredscreenedbigirotropic(tensorsdielectric ? andmagnetic ? ? penetrabilities) structures, semi-conductor microelectronics and circuitry. The millimetric range gives the certain speci?city to researches. It, ?rst of all: losses andtheirgrowthwithfrequencyinspendingscreensandthemetallizedcoverings, dielectrics, semi-conductor layers, ferrite, increase in effective internal magnetic ?elds and ?elds bias, reduction of the geometrical sizes of coverings, structures andtougheningofadmissionsbymanufacturingandtheassembly, newmethodsof diagnosticsof?lmstructuresofferrite, includingnotdestroying. Promotionofresearcheswasspenttoamillimetricrangeindirections: - Developmentsofmethodsofthetheoreticalanalysisforstudyingpropertiesof varioustypesofconverters; - Developmentofvariouskindsandtypesofconverters; - Development of methods of researches of properties of waves at excitation, receptionanddistributioninlayeredstructuresofvariouskinds; - Carryingoutofexperimentalresearches; - Developmentofmethodsandmeansofnotdestroyingcontrolofparametersof ?lmstructuresofferrite; - Developmentoperatedmagnetoelectronicstructuresanddevicesoflowandhigh levelsofcapacity. In such order the theoretical and experimental material received is stated in thebook.Theseriouscontributiontoseparateresearcheshavebrought: thesenior scienti?cemployee, Dr.LepestkinA.N.(experiment, physicalmodelling);thes- enti?cemployee, Dr.MostovojA.A.(thetheory, physicalmodelling);theyounger scienti?c employee, Dr. Beginin E.N. (programming, calculations, experiments, laboratorybreadboardmodels). The basic sections of the book were read to students of physical faculty of the Saratov State University by it. In a special course "Magnetoelectronics of v vi Foreword microwaveandextremelyhighfrequencies"alsowereaccompaniedbyN.G.Cher- shevskogoincorrespondinglaboratoryinstallations, developedincourseanddegree worksofstudents. The second part of the book - "Heteromagnetic microelectronics (magne- electronics of the active devices)" which is in a stage of a writing and dev- opment of a problem, is devoted to a new direction on creation of multipurpose operated microdevices, the microsystems which are carrying out ?nished fu- tionson formationof variouskindsand spectra of signals in transistor-magnetic, ferrite-semi-conductorstructures(strengthenings, generation, mixture, parametrical effects, multiplication, division, frequencymodulation, magnetosensitivemodes).
Alexander Ignatiev is a professor and head of the general physics department at Saratov State University, Russia. He is the main designer of critical technologies in JSC "Research Institute-Tantal," an expert in the field of radiophysics, including quantum radiophysics, and the author of 4 monographs and more than 200 publications. Dr. Ignatiev holds 20 patents in directions noise processes in generating beam devices of M-type of a millimetric range including intellectual development of heteromagnetic technologies and development of double purpose devices.